18 - 19 June 2022
10am - 5pm
Aula der Wissenschaften & Livestream
Get your Tickets

The Forum is a place to connect with experienced and new campaigners and strengthen our efforts and each other as we deal with the terrifying urgency and threats from nuclear weapons. It is open to everyone, so join us and discuss the problems, urgency and plan to put an end to nuclear weapons.

Why you should join us?

After two long years the ICAN and disarmament community meets again in Vienna, to connect, discuss and prepare the first ever meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

  • 600 people
  • 4 stages
  • 2 days programme
  • 40 speakers
  • Workshops and townhall formats
  • Discussion and planning
  • Food included
  • Livestream available

Experts from around the world have been invited to address the two day event, from a range of academic and professional institutions. Our forum speakers are at the forefront of their fields, including renowned authors, physicists, legal experts, political scientists, sociologists and economists. The potential use of nuclear weapons concerns everyone, and the forum will elaborate the possible impacts of nuclear use as well as ways and means to eliminate the nuclear weapons threat forever.

Have a glance at our main themes:

  • Vulnerabilities exacerbated by the rising threat of the use of nuclear weapons
  • Nuclear deterrence
  • The power of international law
  • Ways and means that make movements matter.
  • We will also take a deeper look at the nuclear weapons angles of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and what that means going forward.

Explore the Programme

It’s your choice!

The UN Nuclear Ban Treaty was uniquely impacted by civil society, who pushed for some of the treaty's most groundbreaking articles on victim assistance, gender, and environmental remediation. This forum will provide analysis and insights on these unique features, as well as the ways they are situated more broadly in the current geopolitical context, providing an opportunity for both experienced disarmament campaigners as well as those concerned about the issue for the first time to learn, connect and engage in efforts to bring about a nuclear weapons free world.

Join us in Vienna


The Forum is open for everyone to join, but space is limited, so get your tickets, or register to participate online here: Buy Tickets

Please note that separate events, like the Meeting of States Parties and the Humanitarian Impact Conference each have their own separate registration process. For media accreditation, please find more information here.

For more information of the COVID measures applying at the Forum please check our Vienna Guide here.