20 June
13:30 - 17:00
Austria Center Vienna

Parliamentarians will play a crucial role in the success of the TPNW in forging a new path towards nuclear disarmament, rooted in humanitarian principles and international law, rather than in the outdated and dangerous logic of nuclear deterrence. They are in a key position to promote the TPNW in every country, and particularly in countries that have not yet joined, or are actively opposing the treaty.

Information about registration: 

Interested parliamentarians should email [email protected] to express their interest in participating at the ICAN Parliamentarian Conference and for any questions they may have. They should also indicate whether they would like information on how to register for the Meeting of States Parties. 

Please note that the ICAN Parliamentarian Conference will take place at the Austria Center Vienna, which is also the venue for the full-day 2022 Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons which is also scheduled for June 20th. Parliamentarians are welcome to attend the morning sessions of that conference before the Parliamentarian Conference.