Give Peace a Chance! Gemeinsam für Frieden, Umwelt- & Klimaschutz! Atomwaffen abschaffen!
Sunday, June 19, 2022
06:30 PM / 09:30 PM - Vienna Time
Organised by: Gerhard kofler
ÖGB Catamaran | Johann-Böhm-Platz 1 Vienna 1020 Austria
Give Peace a Chance! sang John Lennon and Yoko Ono more than 50 years ago. Today this call for peace is more urgent than ever. The climate and environmental crisis, increasing inequality, the intensified global military and armed drone operations, the militarization of the EU, and the multiple regional wars require one joint effort of peace, environmental, and climate movements for peace and the renunciation of violence and to save our planet. The entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in January 2021 is a beacon of hope for all people in actual conflicts and crises.
Disarmament and arms conversion are essential elements of the necessary transformation into one eco-social, fit for the future development of society. Only if we succeed in transferring the massive funds for the military and armaments – $5 billion are wasted on this worldwide every day – to education, health, technological transformation, and social balance is a future worth living for humans and nature possible. Most important is the definitive ban on nuclear weapons.
Moderator: Katerina Anastasiou (Austria) transform!Europe, AbFaNG
6:30 pm LECTURES
The Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty: Opportunities and Next Step
Rebecca Johnson (UK) Peace activist, co-founder of ICAN, Director and Founder of the Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy
Nuclear weapons and health, viewed globally – Prevention of medical and humanitarian dangers Klaus Renoldner (Austria) Physician, President of IPPNW Austria
Fighting for Peace in the Global South
Vanessa Griffin (Fidji Islands) Pacific ICAN activist, coordinator of APDC (Asia Pacific Development Centre).
Peace, Security and Climate & Environmental Crisis
Michael Müller (Germany) Federal Chairman of the Friends of Nature in Germany, retired State Secretary
The international trade union movement and peace
Philip Jennings (UK) former General Secretary of UNI Global Union/ ITUC, Co-President of the IPB
8:00 pm PANEL DISCUSSION Cooperation of peace and environmental movements – Way to an eco-social society? Representative of the Austrian Ministry BMEIA, Helga Kromp-Kolb (environmental meteorologist, fwu), Phill Gittins (Education Director World beyond War), Sharan Burrow (ITUC General Secretary), Alessandro Capuzzo (Trieste Non-Nuclear Movement), Heinz Gärtner (political scientist, IIP)
9:30 pm BUFFET (end of event 10:00 pm)
Registration is requested: [email protected]
Livestream link will be published on the website at the appropriate time.