A contaminating legacy breeds resistance across generations
Saturday | 13:15 PM | Colloquy Hall
SETO Mayu was born and raised in Hiroshima. She participated in the "Global Voyage for Nuclear Free World" organized by the NGO Peace Boat and traveled with a-bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a Youth Communicator for a World without Nuclear Weapons, working to raise awareness of the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons and to pass on survivors' stories to the next generation. Living in Hiroshima, now she works as a singer-songwriter, and has written a song about her travels with survivors. She also works to plan events and educational programs where people from both inside and outside the city can learn about what happened in Hiroshima and connect this learning to actions they can take to resolve nuclear issues today.
A contaminating legacy breeds resistance across generations
Saturday | 13:15 PM | Colloquy Hall